Why Choose us, our Advantage


Why Choose BlackSpear Funding?

"BlackSpear Funding transcends traditional loan consultancy; we're your partners in creating fair financial opportunities for all. With our deep insights into financing Indigenous communities and a strong commitment to ESG-impact funding, we distinguish ourselves from the typical lenders, including; CDFIs, SBA loans, black own banks, and other specialized financing sources for minority loans. Discover the BlackSpear difference:"

  • We Specialized in Commercial Finance:  our financial support meets the unique cultural and economic requirements of all communities because our offerings are intricately designed for the ADOS community, ensuring fair and equitable treatment.

  • Innovative ESG Impact Funding program: We leverage ESG impact funding to improve social scores for Fortune 500 corporations and generate significantly higher returns, focusing on investments in minority small businesses and their communities.

  • Loan Programs: Our programs do more than provide capital; they're partnerships aimed at sustainable community growth and higher returns for investors long term.

  • Strategic Corporate Consultation: We offer unmatched consultancy to Fortune 1,000 companies, banks, hedge funds, and equity firms, enhancing ROI, while improving their ESG social lending scores in minority communities.

  • Proprietary Software and Follow-Up System: Unique to BlackSpear, is our proprietary minority lending software, "BPP" a loan underwriting program to ensure continuous monitoring and support for ADOS small businesses, enhancing their chances for success by 81% for growth long-term.​​

  • Bridging Gaps Where Others Fall Short: Beyond filling the void left by traditional lenders, VC capital, and the US government loan programs, we understand this market and can act on the ADOS potential returns, where others see limitations, we see profits and less risk.


Choosing BlackSpear means opting for a smarter business partner who's committed to making a real difference in underserved communities. We're not just in business to collect broker fees but to build legacies and empower communities while offering higher ROI to institutional investors nationwide.


Contact Us Today about our ESG loan program!